Bank account details
We rely on donations from people like you. Donations can be made by credit card on our donate page, transferred to our bank account or by cheque sent to PO Box 10518, Wellington 6140
Bank account details (please note change):
Wellington Ratepayers’ Alliance
For ease of record-keeping please use the following when making payment by internet banking:
Particulars: First initial and surname (*unless you wish to be anonymous - see below)
Code: Your mobile phone number*
Are donations confidential?
We respect your privacy. The identity of donors and the amounts donated are held in strict confidence, unless the donor requests otherwise.
Does the Ratepayers' Alliance accept anonymous donations?
We appreciate that for people in sensitive positions, particularly those who work for the Council, there is sometimes a desire to be anonymous. Though we discourage anonymous donations, if "anonymous donation" (or similar) is used in the particulars of any donation deposited into our bank account, the Ratepayers' Alliance undertakes not to enquire with the bank as to who transferred the funds.